A White Blanket & Rest

A blanket of white snow now covers the ground and I am peaceful. Tucked away warm and brimming with creative possibilities, I have begun the process of self-evaluation. Like sugar plum fairies the ideas of all things possible dance through my head. What else is possible in my life that I am not even aware of and who would I be if I followed what was light for me?

Interesting, at some point in our lives we were taught to be serious and life isn’t supposed to be fun and I bought that hook, line, and sinker! Crazy!! I am in the process of changing those beliefs for myself and everyone I meet. Life is to be enjoyed, our “job” is to find out what that is for us individually. My new way of being is this if it makes me smile I do it, I experience it and I share it! Seems simple enough right,?

Well, it is a terribly hard concept for many people to wrap their heads around in our current society. You see the people I have talked with say things like, “I don’t have the luxury of choosing something fun to do for work.” or “Easy for you to do your husband pays the bills.” or even “It doesn’t work like that in the real world.”. Those are all interesting points of view and I understand how you feel, you see I felt the same way at one time. Now I know that everything in life is set in motion by the choices we make and can, therefore be changed by choice as well!

One of the choices I have made is to learn new ways to manage my life, my money and the “stress” of living in our modern day society. I regularly take self-improvement courses and learn and test new ways of being and relating to others. I make it a daily practice not to judge others for their choices, whether I agree with them or not. You see I have also realized that even if I can see that it might not be their best possible choice, it is still their choice to make and the outcome is theirs as well. I have learned that lesson best from my children and as much as I would love to save them the sometimes painful lessons I have had, that’s not my job. My job is, however, to share with them my experience and alternate possibilities and help them see that there is never only one solution to a problem, but many.

I also can relate to receiving those judgments from others about what I choose to do and I have come to understand that those who judge the harshest also have the most judgments of themselves. I used to be so very hurt by their comments, now I listen and let it pass on by like snowflakes on the wind. It is my experience that what another person judges you for is a cause of great suffering deep within them, they either feel inadequate or they themselves are that which they have judged you for and project their feelings onto you. Open your heart to them, send them blessings, thank them and move on.

Some days my life seems to be like a snowglobe, unsteady and hard to see where I am going, but I know that if I keep true to my knowing and follow the choices that feel light for me I will always end up in the right place when the snow settles. You see there are only two real choices in this life choose to feel light or don’t.

Joy, Love & Awareness,







The Store is in Hibernation

With the cold weather came the decision to put the store into hibernation for the winter season. The barn is a wonderful shop space however, it is not insulated and many of our products do not handle the cold well. We had thought about heating it and have even purchased a couple of propane heaters, but in the end, it just was not a sustainable or a satisfactory solution for us.

I honestly was so very sad to have to close the shop. I have taken inventory and some of the vendors have picked up their remaining products. I had a plan for the shop and I was happy to have the few months this summer and fall. I thank everyone who came to visit and those who supported this local, small business.

We will reopen in the spring with many new products and will use this time to refocus our attention on our other business, Valentus. Keep watch as I will be writing a post about in very soon.

Joy, Love & Awareness,
